As we provide a free service, we need help to meet our service running costs for the next 12 months. Please help us help you by donating any spare change:
REWARD $1000
Wednesday June 19th 2019
Reno, Nevada, US
Momma Bear is a female spayed all black DSH w/ ONE white whisker. Approx 3-4 years old. 9-10 lbs. Spayed, chipped and vaccinated. Loving shy sweet well mannered. She is my spirit and my heart...both empty now, as I fear for her safety and look for her every day. If you know someone with a new black cat or even think you may have seen her PLEASE PLEASE TEXT OR CALL DAY OR NIGHT. She had a horrible beginning to life and she is lost now. She vanished midday from my yard without a trace.Help pls